From the Files of Art Inc.: Kate Beckett and the Mystery of Paradise Island, Chapter 3, 190125, (FF/FFF) (2025)

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h @algebrauk @RopeBunny @RopeBunny @Jenny_S

The Files of Art. Inc.:

Kate Beckett and the Mystery of Paradise Island

Chapter 2:


Late October:

One hour to Midnight, Kate´s Bungalow

Alecto looked down at the King Size Bed. Kate Beckett was still out to the Count. Her Breaths were deep and regular. The Asian smiled “What a beautiful sight you are!” The Detective was entirely naked. Her Wrists were tied with broad silken Scarfs to the Bedposts.

A silken figure eight Breast Harness framed Kate Beckett´s full breasts. A knotted silken Crotch-Scarf cleaved the Brunette almost in two. Two silken Scarfs tied above each Knee held Kate´s legs splayed wide open. Alecto smiled: She had tied the Detective´s Ankles together. Another Scarf around her Insteps pressed her Soles together. A string held her big Toes together.

“You will like your Gag Katie!” Alecto chuckled “You will love it!” The Asian told the unconscious Detective … Kate´s lower Face was enshrouded by Silk, another red Scarf was tied as a Headscarf and knotted tightly under her Chin. Under the Scarf which covered Kate´s lower Face several Layers were hidden:

Four Layers: A thick skiing Sock, a second Scarf, and a thick gauze Pack. The final Layer? A very long red Scarf as a cleave Gag with a large Knot in the Centre. So long was the Scarf Alecto could wrap it two times above the Cleave, before she knotted it tightly behind Kate´s Head.

The Cleave held a substantial Gag Packing inside: Three Pairs of well-used Panties: One was the Pair Kate had worn today, the second was one of her own – and the third one belonged to Caroline Waters. As the Assassin knew? She had worn it during her daily Workout as Alecto knew.

Alecto grinned down at the Brunette “Time to wake you up lazy Bones!”

The Assassin produced a Syringe and injected its Content into Kate´s left muscular Thigh. Alecto waited. The potent Drug worked almost instantly. The Brunette groaned. Here Eyelids fluttered. Kate opened her Eyes – they were still cloudy. Slowly the Clouds vanished, and her Gaze drilled into Alecto's black Eyes.

“Good evening, Katie!”

Kate Beckett:

“Fkkkyyy” Kate mumbled and glared at her Captor “That Bitch is enjoying herself way too much!” The Detective had realized her Predicament fully by now. She strained against her silken Restraints – more because it was expected from a Damsel in Distress to struggle. Alecto knew her Knots. Trying to escape her Bonds was a futile Exercise: Anyone tied by Alecto stayed tied – and gagged.

Kate struggled some more. Her Eyes shooting Daggers at her Captor.

“You should thank me!” Alecto “Why?” The Assassin grinned “The Wake-Up-Drug I injected you with counters the Effects of the Alcohol!” Kate hated to admit it, but the Asian had a point: She had no headache! Kate mumbled something unintelligible but decidedly impolite.

Patiently the Asian waited – till Kate had calmed down:

Only now the Detective realized Alecto had dressed down to her Underwear – black Bra and Panties. Kate could not help herself: The Asian was well-trained and athletic. Alecto produced a Flacon and poured some of the Liquid on her Palms. Alecto jumped on the Bed and knelt at Kate´s Bound Ankles.

Showers of Anticipation shot through Kate´s Body. From the Tips of her Toes to her Head “Enjoy!” Alecto whispered. Gently she took the Tops of the Brunette´s bare Feet in her oiled Palms and caressed them. Slowly her Hands wandered upwards, across her bound Ankles.

Kate groaned softly “You like that!” Alecto teased her Prey “You are really a Damsel in Distress!” “I am not!” the Investigator cursed into her packed mouth. One Thing was for sure. Whatever Alecto had crammed into her Mouth? Kate suspected worn Panties. It was ripe, very ripe.

“Yes, I like what she is doing!” the Brunette groaned. The Touches of Alecto´s Hands on her left Calve send Showers of Exaltation through her Body. Especially as they glided upwards above the Knee. The tangy Scent of Sandalwood filled the Air. Slowly and firmly Alecto kneaded, the firm flesh of Kate´s left inner Thigh.

Kate´s Breath quickened “Detective you work out regularly” Alecto teased her and intensified her Massage. Slowly her strong Fingers glided upwards. The Asian sniffed “There is something in the Air!” She had almost reached Kate´s Groin “Is it Love?”

The Massage stopped – and Kate suppressed a Curse, grew tense but relaxed immediately as Alecto massaged her right Calve “This is pure Torture!” Kate groaned “And pleasure!” 10 Minutes later her legs glistened with Oil: oil and a fine sheen of Sweat. Kate watched as her Tormentor poured some more Oil on her Palms before she straddled the Detective “You have such a wonderful, sculpted Body Katie! I bet Castle loves it!” Her oiled Palms glided above her trained, firm Abs “How often do you hit the Gym?” Alecto cupped her Breasts, kneaded them.

“F*ck you!” Kate cursed into her Gag. It was a low mumble. At best “I gagged you well Detective, don´t you think?” “Mmmtthhckr!” Beckett talked back “I love you too!” Alecto grinned – and pinched Kate´s Nipples simultaneously. Twisted them.

Captain Beckett vowed to kill Alecto slowly and most deviously. As soon as she was free again.

But that would have to wait. And Alecto was good! She hated to admit that. Ouch! The Asian had bitten her into her left Nipple. Another Pain. The right Nipple. Kate knew how skillfully the Enforcer was, especially with her Tongue.

The devilish Instrument touched the Aureola of her left Breast. It was warm and wet “No! Not just warm – blazing hot. It feels like hot Iron!” The Brunette corrected herself. Kate grinded her Hips and opened and closed her Fists. Her Breathing quickened “Getting in the Mood Detective?” Her Captor teased her.

Alecto changed her Position. Still straddling Kate, her bare Feet were now to the left and right of the Brunette's Head. Playfully, the Asian tugged at her Prey´s Crotch Scarf. Slowly and gently at first, then more forcefully. The Air was heavy with Kate´s Arousal. Her Moans grew more intense, urgent. Alecto produced a magic Wand, set it on high, and pressed it against the Detective´s glistening Clitoris. Took it away. Pressed it more firmly against Kate´s lush southern Fields.

Skillfully the Asian prolonged the Investigator´s Frustration – till she allowed her to cum. The Orgasm was nothing else than spectacular. It was the first but not the last …

The next Morning:

Still clad only in her black Negligee Kate stepped on the Patio and enjoyed the View: The incredible clear blue Sea. The gleaming white Sand. She breathed in deeply. What would the day bring? Surely Alecto had Plans. The Detective padded back into the Bungalow and into the Bathroom.

When she entered the Living Room later, clad in a light blue Summerdress, which left her Shoulders bare and fell wide around her toned Calves, she stopped in her Tracks. The large wooden Table was laid. The heavenly Scent of freshly brewed Coffee tickled her Nose – and a rich Breakfast awaited her. She found a Card on her Plate, made of heavy creamy Paper. Someone had written on it in a clear elegant Hand in Blue Ink. This she read:

“Good Morning Kate!

I hope you had a pleasant first Night on Paradise Island. Enjoy Breakfast. In one Hour, I will fetch you and give you the Grand Tour.

See you later!


“Right then,” Kate mused. “First things first!” She sat down and helped herself to a large Pot of “Black and Strong”—the Coffee smelled heavenly. Only now did she realize how hungry she was and tucked in with Gusto. The Breakfast left nothing to be desired.

“Maybe these five Days will not be so bad after all,” she thought between two Forks of delicious, scrambled Eggs, – with Shrimp. One thing was for sure: The Cuisine on Paradise Island was fantastic.

Time passed quickly and precisely at 1000 PM Caroline knocked at the Door of Kate´s Bungalow “Morning Kate!” her Personal Guide greeted her “You had a pleasant evening?” The Woman who looked so much like Beyoncé smiled “Thank you!” the Detective smiled back “I slept like a Baby!” Kate grinned “You know exactly what happened last night Caro!” “Then come!” Caroline smiled and pointed at Kate´s feet “Good choice of footgear!” The Investigator had opted for Practical and Comfort and wore her Timberland Adley Trekking Sandals which matched her Dress.

“I love them!” The Detective smiled and followed her Host. Outside waited a Golfcart in the Resort´s Blue and White. Caroline was a skilled Driver, and the Brunette enjoyed the Ride. Kate had spent a Vacation in the Bahamas with Castle – and she loved the Caribbean: The gleaming Beaches, the blue Seas, the Climate.

The Resort was impressive: Many smaller Buildings in the Colonial Style were grouped around an impressive Villa (?) Before its Gates, they stopped and left the Cart. For the next two Hours, Caroline led her around “Paradise Island offers a lot of different Activities” She explained, “Practically you can do anything!” The Afro-American Woman looked at her Watch “We will have a light Lunch now – and then it is Time for your first Treatment, Kate!”

“My first Treatment?” Kate´s Eyebrows rose, her keen grey Eyes fixated on her Chaperone “Yes, Mistress Alecto booked a Curriculum for you “I see” the Detective nodded “Let´s have Lunch then!”

The Lunch was a pleasant Affair: Fusion Kitchen. Vietnamese and Caribbean. Now Kate followed Caroline. Her Host had been mysterious “You will see!” She had demurred the Detectives Questions above the first Activity.

The Building they entered looked somewhat like a Gym. They were greeted by a Woman, who looked much like Lucy Liu “Welcome Detective!” She greeted her politely. She wore loose-fitting pink Yoga Pants, a matching Top and was barefoot.

“This is Kia!” Caroline made the Introductions “Kia is our Trainer for Escapology!” “Escapology” Kate muttered. She had a rough Idea of where this was going …. “I will kill you Alecto!” she vowed to herself.

“Welcome!” Kia bowed; her Hands folded before her Breasts “Detective your Fame precedes you!” “Thank you” the Brunette returned the Gesture “You are too kind!” – and blushed slightly. Castle loved those Compliments. Kate didn´t.

Kia smiled “Mistress Alecto informed us; you have certain Skills in Escaping, yes?” Kate blushed slightly “She did?” “Today´s Lesson will be an Assessment of your Skills in rigging and escaping “Caroline volunteered to be tied up by you! I will tie you up then and then we establish your Skills in Escapology.”

Kate nodded “Right then!” “Caroline will show you to the Locker Room where you will find adequate Clothing. Seeing you in 10 Minutes!” Curiously the Brunette followed her Host into the Locker Room. As with all the Facilities Kate had seen so far it was of high Quality, and stylish. In the best Way: Classic.

Caroline stripped out of her Dress and Kate could not help herself admire the Beauty of her Host, curvy in all the right Places: She donned red Yoga Pants and a fitting Top. For herself the Staff had provided Kate with a light blue Ensemble “Come!” Caroline smiled.

The polished wood felt warm under her bare Soles. Now Kate understood why Sarah McKenzie liked having a good look at Chris´ Butt. From what she could tell? Caroline´s Butt was firm and well-sculpted.

They stepped over the Threshold into the spacious Training Room, where Kia already waited for them “You do look splendid!” she greeted them. Kate noticed the Instructor gave her the once-over. That of a Professional “You do work out regularly?” “I do!” the Brunette nodded.

Kate took the Atmosphere in: Soft Sithar Music filled the Room. Several Incense Holders burned. The Detective smelled Sandalwood and other Scents “Let us begin the Lesson then with Yoga Exercise” Kia´s Voice had a musical Quality, like a fine-tuned Instrument. The Instructor pointed to the two blue Yoga Mats on the Floor.

Kate could not deny it: She looked forward to the Exercise. Yoga had always been a Part of her Regimen. Since she had become Part of Chris´ Family she had stepped up her Game. The Pianist had given her Lessons in Tai Chi, and Sarah McKenzie had recommended her personal Yoga-Trainer to her.

Kia folded her Hands before her Breasts and bowed “Namaste!” Caroline and Kate returned the traditional Greeting in unison “Namaste!”

“Padmāsana, the Lotus!” The petite Japanese watched as her two Students executed the traditional Asana. The Detective had an athletic, trained Body. Above her left Breast Kia spotted the gruesome Scar – which was a reminder of the Assassination that had Kate almost cost her life. With the Eye of the Professional Kia followed the Brunette´s Movements. The way she moved told her a lot: Obviously, the Detective practiced regularly. She was well trained.

Caroline and Kate held the Pose, breathed in deeply and regularly, their Eyes closed “Vṛkṣāsana, the Tree!” Kia instructed. She concentrated on the American. Without opening her Eyes, the Detective loosened the Lotus-Seat and rose – and kept her Equilibrium effortlessly. Caroline was an entirely different Type – by far not as athletic as the American – but gracefully, nevertheless. Kate Beckett was significantly taller with her 175 cm.

30 Minutes later:

“Well done, Students! Namaste!” Kia praised Caroline and Kate “Namaste! Revered Teacher!” The Detective and the Guide returned the Greeting “Now!” the petite Woman intoned “Kate you will tie up Caroline!” The Investigator noticed Caroline´s coy smile “Interesting! I peg her as a Sub!”

“Let us begin with nothing too complicated!” Kia announced and turned to Kate “I want you to tie Caro in a Shrimp Tie – including a Boxtie and a Crotchrope! Begin!” She pointed to a rectangular wooden Table. Kate followed her Gesture: On the Table? Neatly coiled lengths of Sisal Rope.

She padded to the Table and selected several Lengths. They felt smooth under her Fingers. Also on the Table: Several Ball Gags of different Sizes, among them two Harness Gag. A Panel Gag, a pump Gag, a ring Gag. Kate made a mental Notice “I can imagine the Harness Ball Gag fitting nicely!” Kate grinned “This will be Fun!!

Since crossing Paths with Chris and her Friends, “The Family” had adopted her. Castle´s and their love life had profited. Kate smiled. Especially since Castle had coerced the Truth about what had happened during the first Stages of the Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection out of Anna. Castle was very good at this: Bringing People to tell him Things, they did not want to tell him.

In this Case? Kate had been ambushed tied against a Post and gagged with her Socks. And there had been that blasted Sheep, she thought she would lose her Mind, as the Sheep had licked her bare Soles. Thankfully Chris and Anna had arrived in Time. Anna had promised not to tell anybody … but Castle had worked his Magic …

Notice to the Reader: You want to know more about Kate´s Adventure at the Northern Frisian Island of Sylt? Read here:

The Hunt for the Weinstein Collection, Chapter 18 by Imhotep-Ra on DeviantArt

She focused.

Kia could not help to stare at Kate Beckett´s firm Butt and swaying Hips “She selects Ropes quickly and professionally” Beckett turned and walked back at them. She bowed before Kia – as she had seen Chris doing so often, folding her Hands before her Breast “I always admire how gracefully she moves”

“Begin!” Kia ordered, “Yes revered Teacher!” Kate bowed again, held the Pose, stood, and selected one Rope “Fold your Arms behind your Back!” Kate ordered firmly “Yes Mistress!” Caro smiled coyly and folded her Arms behind her Back.

Kate set to work. She was tempted to modify the Boxtie into a reverse Prayer Tie. The American remembered that Sarah McKenzie had tied her that Way once “No, that would be too much” Caroline sensed Beckett´s Presence. Her Nostrils flared as she inhaled deeply. Kate´s Scent was intoxicating “She is good” Caro mused as she felt the Ropes encircling her Arms “This is not her first Rodeo!” She sighed contentedly.

“Enjoying yourself?” Kate whispered in her left Ear and her Lips touched Caroline's Earlobes – as if by accident. Kia watched intrigued as the Detective tied Rope Bands neatly above and below.

Kate completed the Boxtie and turned to their Instructor. “Shall I continue, revered Teacher?” “She has fun,” Kia concluded. Caro sighed as the Detective wound a Ropegirdle tightly around her Waist.

“Enjoy!” Kate thought as she pulled the knotted Crotchrope tight and twisted it to the Rope Girdle around Caroline´s Waist. Caroline had her Eyes closed and sighed, enjoying herself. Kia had to smile too, but pulled herself together as she ordered “Sit down and assume the Lotus-Seat Caroline!”

Kate stepped back and watched fascinated as Caroline sank first to her Knees and folded her Legs gracefully till each Foot rested on the corresponding Thigh “Nice Nail polish!” The Detective smiled. The Azur Blue matched the Hue of Blue of the Paradise Uniform. Kia followed Kate´s Movements as the American tied Caroline´s Ankles to her Thighs.

Kate stood and turned to the Instructor “May I proceed Mistress?” “You may” Kia nodded sincerely “You have selected your Gag?” Kate bowed deferentially “I have” and strode to the Table and grabbed one Harness-Ball-Gag. The gleaming red Ball was large, she estimated 2,5 Inches “Proceed” Kia nodded.

Willingly, Caroline opened her Mouth. Kate was surprised; the Gag fitted perfectly. With practiced Motions, she pulled the Straps tight. The Detective stepped back as the Trainer inspected her Work. On one Hand, Kate was sure she had done a really professional Job, but on the other, she somehow feared Kia´s Verdict.

The Japanese stepped nearer and inspected Kate´s Work, touching a Knot here, a rope there. Finally, she stood straight and faced Kate “Well done Detective! All neat and secure!”

She smiled enigmatically.

“Now it is your turn!”

Kate suppressed a sigh “Yes Mistress!”

Kia set to work.

The Detective was impressed: Kia was a professional Rigger. Since she knew Chris and Company she had met some truly skilled Riggers: Sarah McKenzie, Chris, Anna, Natasha, Ragna – Alecto herself.

Kate allowed her Mind to wander.

Kia´s Voice broke her out of her Reverie “I think, since you are fairly flexible, we will modify the standard Boxtie a bit!” “Of course, Mistress!” Kate nodded. She watched her Image in the large floor-length Mirror: The Ropes encircling her upper Body, framing her full C-Cup Breasts. When the Japanese were finished, the Boxtie was more of a Reverse Prayer Tie, her Wrists almost between her Shoulder-Blades, the Knots well out of Reach.

The Japanese worked quickly and efficiently: Crotchrope, a rope Band around her upper Thighs. One above the Joint, one below – and around her Ankles. All tight, all secure “Let me help you sit!” Kia bade her. With her help, Kate sat down on her Matt. Caroline winked at her and mumbled something into her Ballgag.

Kate´s Chaperone was drooling profusely – but definitely enjoying herself. Kia tapped away and returned with another large Harness-Ball-Gag and a Pair of lacy Black Panties; one she knew: Alecto´s.

The Japanese smiled “Mistress Alecto said you would like her Present!”

Kate stared back. “Not exactly, no!” “Stay polite!” she admonished herself. “You know, Alecto!” The Detective endured the Gagging with all the Patience she could muster. The Gag was tight and secure, but not as tight as brutally tight “Now the final Piece!” Kia beamed at her. The final Piece meant that Kate´s almost rested on her Knee now. Her upper Body was parallel to her muscular Thighs now.

Kia smiled down benevolently at them “And a tad mischievous” Kate decided as she craned her Neck to look up at the petite Instructor “My Students!” she addressed them “Your task is now to escape. To achieve that, you will have to work together!” She looked at her Watch “You have one Hour!” This being said, she turned gracefully on her bare Heels and padded outside, closing the Door behind her.

Kate and Caroline locked Eyes. The Way they were restrained, they had only one Option: Kate´s Hands, were tied almost between her Shoulderblades, Caroline´s in a simple Boxtie. It would be no easy Job, but with a Piece of Luck, her Guide might be able to loosen the Knots around Kate´s Wrists “Thankfully Kia has not taped our Fingers.”

Resolutely she scooted on the smooth Floor on her Butt. On the polished Surface, it was not easy to get Traction but finally, Kate had done it: They sat Back-to-Back. The Crotchrope had distracted her along the Way, so the Brunette was breathing heavily. Thankfully Caroline was flexible and quick on the Uptake:

Kate felt the black-haired Woman´s nimble Fingers working at the Knots, holding Kate´s Wrist´s together ….

The Resort´s Spa, later:

“Tell me this wasn´t fun!” Caroline smiled at Kate as the American followed Caroline. They were headed for "Pavilion 12 Green," the Site of Kate´s scheduled Massage. Thanks to the Spa's plentiful signs, which were equal Parts of Art and Information, they soon arrived at their Destination, a Pair of Massage tables under a green Canopy surrounded by shrubs.

One young Woman in her Twenties was waiting, clad in the white Shorts and azure-blue Polo Shirt Uniforms of the Staff. She was cute and blonde with a name Tag. It read "Cheryl”

Cheryl took Kate by the hand and led her to one of the Tables. "Welcome, Kate, I'm Cheryl, and I'll be your Masseuse this Afternoon."

"Thank you, Cheryl." Kate pulled her Dress over her Head, and Cheryl took it and folded it. The Detective slipped her Sandals off – and rolled her bright blue Panties down her legs and stepped out of them. Kate made some stretching Moves. She didn´t mind in the slightest she was stark naked. The Rope Marks were still visible but faded already.

"For your Hair, Kate," Cheryl handed the Detective a bright blue shower cap.

"Thank you." Kate coiled and tucked her long brunette Mane under the Cap.

"On your stomach, please, Kate," Cheryl said as she lay Kate´s Clothes neatly folded in a wooden Shack – made of gleaming almost black Wood. Ebony the Investigator suspected

The Brunette reclined on the table and sighed contentedly.

Repeatedly oiling her hands, for the next half hour Cheryl gave Kate a detailed and highly skilled deep tissue massage from head to toe. The Brunette was in heaven. She'd received massages before, but this was different. "You have really magical Fingers Cheryl," she sighed.

"Thank you, Kate," Kimberly purred "Have you had one of our herbal Wraps already?"

"No," the Investigator whispered “I arrived just yesterday” Her Eyes were closed, her body and mind totally relaxed, and she was trying not to fall asleep – no she was not really trying. And not for the first Time today Kate thought “Maybe was paying my debt this way not such a bad Idea after all ….”

She almost dozed off …

"Our herbal Paste is both hydrating and mildly exfoliating," Cheryl explained. "It's also very slightly adhesive. I'm going to paint it onto your Skin, alternating Layers of Paste with Layers of Gauze, then wrap you in a Layer of Linen. Once you're snug and warm, we'll transfer you to one of our mud Baths to soak."

"Oookay," Kate sighed.

Cheryl proceeded to do as she'd said. The Paste was green, its Consistency of Yogurt, and it had a subtle, pleasant Aroma. New mown Grass chopped fresh Herbs, Flowers, cedar Needles... in a word, herbal.

Kimy used a soft camelhair Brush to paint an area of Kate's skin, drape a small Panel of Gauze over the Paste, then repeat the process. This required a great deal of lifting and rolling of the Brunette's limbs and body, Cheryl though was surprisingly strong for her Size and had a gentle Touch. Kate sighed “She knows what she is doing!”

Eventually, every square Inch of Kate's Body from the Neck down was wrapped in multiple Layers of paste-impregnated Gauze. Her fingers and toes had been separated by paste-soaked Cotton before being wrapped, and her limbs were wrapped separately. That is, nowhere was skin in Contact with Skin.

Kate was entirely relaxed, her Eyes closed, she breathed in deeply and regularly. A small Voice in her Head whispered though “Something is off” “Don´t be scared” Cheryl´s Voice interrupted her Musings “I will insert now something into your Vagina – this is Part of our VIP-Treatment.”

The Investigator was much too relaxed to realize the meaning of the Masseuse's Words. Something cool glided into her Pussy. Kate grew tense as she realized fully what had happened: Cheryl had inserted a torpedo-styled Vibrator into her Vagina!” “Please relax Kate there is no reason to be anxious and Mistress Alecto did tell us you are familiar with that sort of Entertainment!” Cheryl tried to calm her down.

The Detective muttered something not very polite – but willed herself to relax “Alecto? I should have known …” Resistance wasn´t an Option anyway – so Kate decided to play along, vowing once more to kill Alecto. She breathed in deeply and regularly.

Arms at her sides and legs together, Kate was sure she resembled nothing so much as a slimy green Egyptian Mummy. Then, the green was covered, and the mummy Aspect was enhanced as Cheryl used long rolls of three-inch elastic bandages to tightly wrap the entire length of her already-wrapped Body.

"One more layer, Kate," Cheryl whispered in Kate's ear.

Drifting in snug, warm, moist Contentment, her eyes closed, and her Lips curled in a smile, all Kate could do was mutter an inarticulate, agreeable sound.

Still, in a half-doze, Kate realized Cheryl was pulling what amounted to a cloth and net bag over her feet... up her legs... and then up her body. It was natural linen, a lattice of horizontal, vertical, and lateral cloth bands framing panels of cord webbing. It was also something of a tight fit, but the blonde Masseuse exhibited her strength and skill, again, by managing to lift Kate's Legs or Torso as required and tug the Bag up to her Shoulders.

Snug in her Cocoon of Herbs and Linen, Kate closed her Eyes, again, as Chery repeatedly tugged on a Pair of Cords running through two long Parallel rows of plastic Eyelets running down the Front of the Bag. The eyelets crept closer together and the Bag became a form-fitting Shroud. Clearly, it was designed to uniformly hug the human Form.

"There," Cheryl purred as she tied a double bow, "snug and secure. I'll be right back."

"Ummm," Kate murmured, her eyes still closed. She was entirely comfortable.

About a minute later, Cheryl returned with a Framework of tubular Steel on Wheels. It straddled the Table and supported a Cradle of nylon Straps. Cheryl detached the Cradle, arranged it along Kate's shrouded Body, gently rolled her Body and tugged the Webbing underneath, then clipped several Cables dangling from the frame to Eyelets in the cradle. She turned a Crank on the Side of the Frame, the Cables reeled onto a hidden Drum or Drums, and Kate was lifted into the Air, just enough to clear the Table.

Her body horizontal and evenly supported by the web Cradle and Cables, and the Brunette was wheeled away.

The Detective was beginning to think the herbal Sludge cocooning her body might have sedative Properties of some sort, but decided it was probably just the Aftermath of the deep Massage and continuous Embrace of the warm, moist Bandages. Her dangling journey was very short; the destination was a pavilion adjacent to "12 Green."

Instead of a pair of massage Tables, there were two long, deep Troughs with sloping Bottoms and lined with a very pleasant blue-tone Mix of Tiles. A pillow was somehow affixed at the top of each slope, and several pairs of wide nylon straps with plastic snap-buckles dangled from stainless steel fittings were arranged to form vaguely human-shaped outlines.

Now Kate realized “I guess I did take a nap.”

Cheryl was lowering Kate into the Trough.

Cheryl released and deftly removed the Web Cradle and another Staff Member; a tall black-haired Woman rolled the frame away. The smiling Blonde was about to start deploying the straps when a melodious female voice interrupted – one Kate knew only too well …

"That's alright, Cheryl," Alecto said. "I'll take care of our Guest."

"Yes, Mistress," Cheryl replied, smiled at Kate, then stepped back.

Cheryl's Place was taken by a very beautiful, very healthy Woman in exercise Togs: running tights, a Jacket zipped down to her Waist, and a Sports bra. The dark tan and willow-green Panels and Stripes of the Garments accentuated the Alecto's athletic, decidedly feminine, and perfectly proportioned Physique.

Her full breasts straining at the Jacket and Bra, piercing black eyes, and long sleek shimmering black Hair pulled back in a ponytail—her beautiful Features were marred though through a long thin red halfmoon shaped Scar on the left side of her Face.

Cheryl had placed a deck chair near the head of Kate's Trough, and Alecto sat. "Cheryl, be a dear and fetch us a couple of Havana Coolers, would you please?"

"Of course, Mistress," Cheryl replied, turned, and left.

Alecto was gazing at Kate's sheath, and her smile had faded. "Hmm..." She left the chair, leaned over the Trough, and began tugging on the Laces securing the Cloth and cord net Sheath, removing slack—not that there had been anything the Detective would have called Slack to begin with.

Working her way up the Brunette's wrapped and encased body, she succeeded in producing an additional inch or two of free end in the laces, released and retied the double-bow, then started on the straps.

She clicked each buckle closed, pulled the slack from the strap, and pinned Alicia's mummified and encased body in place at the ankles, above and below her knees, her thighs, waist, and above and below her breasts. "The straps make sure you don't slip under the mud," Alecto explained as she went back over the straps and removed what little slack she'd neglected before.

"That's tight," Kate noted. The straps were dimpling the sheath, just a little.

"Safety first," the Asian chuckled as she turned the tap of Kate's Trough and started the mud flowing.

“Kia was quite impressed by your Performance!” Alecto chuckled and sat down on the Deck Chair, stretched out her long Legs, and crossed her Ankles “She was impressed? Really?” Kate chuckled. She looked down at her wrapped and sheathed Body “Quite comfy!” Alecto smiled that devious Smile which Kate knew so well “You will enjoy it, believe me! Especially with some extra entertainment!”

The Detective stared at her Body: The mud had engulfed her feet and was creeping up the Incline. She could feel no change in the submerged Area. The wrappings were already wet and the sheath tight. The Mud must either be body temperature or close enough that it would take time for her to feel the difference.

"Don't worry," Alecto purred. "There's an automatic shutoff valve. The mud will stop before it reaches your chin.” Kate craned her Neck “That´s a relief!” She decided to change Tack “Someday you must tell how you got the Scar!”

For a fleeting Second a fleeting Shadow crossed Alecto´s Face. She was about to Answer when Cheryl returned with the Havanna Coolers. She put them down on the small round Table next to her right Side “Thank you, Cheryl, you may leave us!” “Of course, Mistress!” The Blonde bowed slightly turned on her Heels and left.

The Asian took her Cocktail, drank a Sip, and savoured the Taste “Excellent!” She put the Cooler down “Maybe I will tell you someday Detective! But not today!” Alecto stood and went to a Drawer and fetched two Items. Kate could not see what. By now the Mud had reached her Breasts.

What came next came as a Surprise for Kate: A large foam Ball was pressed into her Mouth. A thick, soft Panel pressed against her lower Face. Leather Straps were buckled tight behind her Head. Very tight. Kate fumed and mumbled something not very polite into her Gag.

Alecto sat down again and took another Sip “Delicious!” She chuckled “No reason to be Rude Detective” The Asian produced a Tablet “I programmed a nice little Program to entertain you, Katie! It will be a fine ride!” She pressed on the Screen – the Vibrator sprung to Life. Into High Gear …”

Needless to say, Orgasms happened, and Alecto demonstrated a Talent for balancing extended Frustration and slow-building Stimulation that ended in crashing Ecstasy. This was accomplished through Modulation of the Vibrator, and considering how little feedback Alecto had to guide her efforts—the occasional weak Toss of her Guest's nearly immobilized heads the quiver of the surface as Kate´s mummified, encased, and strapped down Body squirmed weakly under the Mud, the Rolling of desperate Eyes, and the pathetically quiet Moans and "Screams"—it was quite remarkable.

Alecto enjoyed herself very much and drank her Havanna …and Kate? Did enjoy herself too . sometimes ….

Later: Early Evening:

“I will keep an Eye on you! You do look sharp!” Kate Beckett smiled at her Mirror Image, took a Photo, and sent it to Castle “Do you miss me?” The Detective grinned. When she returned to her Bungalow after her Mud Bath, she found another of those stylish Cards on the Wooden Table in the Living Room. She recognized the elegant Hand: Caroline – the Brunette had to smile:

Dear Kate,

I am sure you enjoyed Cheryl´s Massage and your herbal Wrap. Cheryl has magic Hands! So, you are well rested for an Invitation to a Private Dinner with Philo and Cora at the Villa! The Dress Code will be “Formal”.

I will pick you up at a Quarter to Eight


P.S.: Don´t tell me the special herbal mud wrap was no fun!

Kate packed always for all Occasions. Her Travel Documents had told her to pack for Events which required formal Wear. She made a Pirouette on her anthracite Jimmy Choo Mimi 100 Sandals.

The Brunette touched her Gown. It had been a Present by Castle: A shimmering iridescent silk-chiffon dress in vibrant Barbie pink. The elegant style, known as The Light Sleeper dress, featured frilled Sleeves, and Ties around the Waist. Her Earrings had also been a Present by Castle. A warm feeling filled Kate. Her Husband never failed to amaze her!

Her brunette Hair she had fashioned in an elegant French Bun. Kate looked at her Watch: 20 Minutes to Eight. She grabbed her Clutch – in the same vibrant Colour as her Gown. And stopped in her Tracks. Kate went back into her Sleeping Room and opened the Safe: She took out a small, but heavy rectangular metal Case and opened it.

On Travels she preferred the GLOCK 26 Gen5 MOS. It was designed for concealed carry and fitted well into her Clutch “You are paranoid Katie” a Voice whispered in her Head “I am not!” Kate countered “And don´t call me Katie! With Alecto, you never know!”

Resolutely she stowed the Gun in her Clutch – went to the Front Door and stepped out on the Pathway. Precisely at a Quarter to Eight a large black Limousine halted. It had made no Noise “An Electro Car” the Detective deduced.

A Chauffeur in Black Livre stepped out of the Car, walked to the right Door, opened it and bowed slightly “Captain Beckett?” He gestured to the Passenger Door. Kate strode to the Limousine stepped in and took her Seat “Wow!” Caroline greeted her “You look splendid!” Kate grinned and looked at her Guide “You too!”

They drove on. “You enjoyed the Spa?” Caro teased Kate. “Mostly!” Her features betrayed nothing—except a coy Smile. The Drive was a short one. They halted before the large Colonial Villa, which formed the Centre of the Resort.

Their Escorts opened their Doors and Kate and Caroline got out “Peter” Kate´s Guide turned to the Chauffeur “We'll call you when you can us pick us up again!” “Will do Miss!” The Chauffeur bowed slightly – he had something of Val Kilmer about him.

“Come!” Caroline motioned to Kate. They walked up the steps to the front patio. The large Panorama Windows on the first floor were lit, and soft classical music could be heard. Kate enjoyed the Atmosphere and the light Breeze. It was a mild Evening under the full Caribbean Moon.

Much more pleasant than Winter in New York.

“Where do you know Mistress Alecto from?” Caroline sounded curious, Kate decided, nothing else “That is a long Story” The Detective phrased carefully “I will tell you another Time” They stepped on the Patio. Kate had expected to be welcomed by Staff. But nobody was there.

The massive mahogany Door was not closed entirely. Her Detective-Program took over “Stay behind me!” Kate whispered “What?” “Shsh” Gently Kate pushed the Door open. They stepped into the vast Entrance Hall. Except for the soft classical Music, they heard nothing.

Kate opened her Clutch, took her Glock, and gave her Handbag to Caroline “Take it! You stay behind me!” Resolutely she stepped onto the first Step of the Stairwell which led to the first Floor. In full Beckett-Mode.

Caroline was fascinated by the sudden Change in their Guest´s Attitude – and a little bit Anxious. Carefully they moved along. The Music got louder with every Step. And Caroline heard something different …

Kate had heard it too, those Noises she knew too well. They stepped onto the first Floor. The American followed the Noise stepped through the Doorway to the Dining Room – and stopped in her Tracks. Caroline gasped “What?”

They were greeted by a spectacular sight …

Kate scanned the Room …. “I will be damned …”

Swiftly she turned on her Heels:

“Caroline get me some Knives, Scissors, whatever!”

From the Files of Art Inc.: Kate Beckett and the Mystery of Paradise Island, Chapter 3, 190125, (FF/FFF) (2025)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.